
Needless to say, delicious and mouthwatering Goan Food attracts the food enthusiasts and those who are crazy for sea food. Enjoying foods in Goa with your favorite drink and at beach resort is incomparable that persuade tourists again and again to explore Goa tours. Accordingly, Goan cuisine is mainly prejudiced by Christianity and Hinduism and this is the main reason it is called as the blend of East and West. Moreover, cooking approaches have been intermingled together and endorsed to seethe, cooking and developing an accurate selection of delicacies. The blend of East and West truly accentuate that food is fresh, tasty and delicious and served with great warm welcome. Demonstration is supreme to Goans as they often segment their food, expressly during feasts, where food is disseminated among fellow citizen.
Here is a list of the most popular Goan Cuisine and Goan dishes that are truly mouthwatering and attract everyone.


Bebinca is the most delicious and famous sweet of Goa. The famous dessert is a polygonal cake made from egg, coconut milk, sugar and ghee with latest cake designing ideas.In the cake another layer added after the cooking and roasting the first layer. Therefore, it takes some more time. Needless to say, it is the top food in Goa to enjoy. During the Christmas, it is served as hot and cold.


According to local languages, Ambot means sour and tik means spicy. In this way, it is slightly sour and pungent. In addition, it is delicious gravy dish prepared from dried red chilies, peppercorns and tamarind. The fish used is customarily shark or catfish and it tastes great with plain steamed or poached rice. It is also one of the best foods in Goa.

Crab XecXec

Goa food is known as the most popular sea food that you will enjoy at the sea coast. Crab XecXec is a curry made from grounded coconut, coriander and dry mixed roasted spices that are added to crab meat. The impenetrable coconut gravy dish is frequently served with rice or bread.

Fish Curry Rice

Being the essential food for Goans, Fish Curry rice is known as xittcoddi in Konkani. It is yellowish-red in color because of the occurrence of chilies and turmeric. The tasty and peppery dish can be broiled with a variability of fish, while mackerel is one of the favorites. The dish is assisted with steamed white rice and is the traditional Goan meal.

Chicken Cafreal

This Goan Food is spicy chicken cooked from coriander, lime, green chilies, peppercorns, and mint by mixing them in one. Pan roasted and Oven is two options to cook it. One of the best foods in Goa, Chicken Cafreal was originated from Africa and is usually accompanied by green salad.


Goa and alcoholic drinks are disheveled each other. Moreover, the word 'Feni' derives from the word 'fenn', which means froth. In fact, a good feni, when poured in a glass produces a little froth, which is a suggestion of the superior quality of the product. Feni is categorized into two forms in which one is made from coconut and the other is made from cashew. According to local records, coconut feni is less popular; while cashew feni is made from cashew apples that are very popular. There are three grades of Goan brew.

Pork Vindaloo

Pork is a must for any festive occasion in Goa and the most famous preparation is the vindaloo. There are diverse interpretations of the etymology for this word one being ‘vinho’ for wine, ‘alhos’ for garlic (Portuguese), ‘viande’ and ‘aloo’ for meat and potato (French and Hindustani). It is a spicy concoction, lots of red chilies, garlic, cooked with chunks of pork, Goa vinegar, and hard palm jaggery and is best enjoyed with plain boiled rice.


Dodol is another famous Goan sweet, traditionally eaten at Christmas time, and made with rice flour, coconut milk, jaggery and cashew nuts. It is usually cooled in a flat pan and served in slices, and is very sweet.


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